If you’re doing curls with a poor rep speed, you might want to try a different routine that targets that element.
However, you’ll definitely want to go at a different pace, too. For example, you might start the deadlift with a few barbell exercisese, or you might have a full upper body split routine going. This is a pretty common misconception among many people struggling with weight loss. We don’t want to have a “bulletproof” approach, where we take one thing and treat it as the only thing we eat for life.

We know that we can’t live our lives around just one macro-nutrient, but we aim to optimize every area of our life in order to live the best life possible. If you're like most Americans, you probably have a few favorite go-to workouts you can do in the privacy of your home once a week. Maybe you love to hit the treadmill for 30 minutes, or you may have been known to find the 15-minute spin class to be one of your favorite methods of getting in a quick sweat in the morning. I think it is an awesome training plan and would have that as your first thing to do for each week. I also suggest adding in the high intensity interval training as a way to build some muscle mass and strength and then working on your cardio. What I like about the plan is that it also has enough variety that the plan can be used for any type of workout that you might need for your goals.
👁️ 🌞 🐋
I was in the hospital for 2 weeks, and as I recovered I started to do some jumping rope, boxing for 4 weeks and started doing a great deal of cycling. As I started to do more stuff, I really liked it and decided to focus on it and got me to the point in time I am at now where I know I am capable of doing something like this. I am going to be 100% honest and say it is a little intimidating to someone who has not done any jumping rope before. If you have no experience with jumping rope and just want to see if this workout is something you could be interested, I say go for it!