This core exercise will strengthen the front and back of your body and your spine.
1. For warm-up (WA) to 5 minutes of casual rope skipping. 2. Alternating Squat Pull Ups (ASPU), this exercise will help isolate your quads and improve your strength of your back. Do two sets of 10 reps on each exercise. 3. Alternating Cable row (ACR), use a cable machine to do a pair of upper body exercises for a good balance between upper and lower body strength. Do two sets of 10 reps per exercise.
4. Alternating Single Arm row (ASA) strengthening your triceps and arms. Try this exercise to tone up your triceps. Do two sets of 10 reps on each exercise. 5. Alternating Dumbbell shoulder press (AMBP). This is a perfect exercise to focus on the deltoids and the triceps. This exercise helps increase the stability of your lower back. As this exercise will help you maintain stability, it is ideal for those who have low back pain. Do two sets of 10 reps.
6. Alternating Triceps extensions (AT) Triceps are used to pull your shoulder up and to lift the arm. Keep your elbows close to your body when doing this exercise. Do two sets of 10 reps per exercise. 7. Alternating Dumbbell reverse crunch (AMCR), a great core exercise. Do two sets of 10 reps. 8. 1 minute of Double-unders (DU) to cool down. End of program.